Dark Red Cabinetry Painted Stylish Cool White

Dark Red Kitchen Cabinetry Painted Stylish Cool White with Upgraded Black Accent Door Pulls

This project featured a full kitchen cabinetry and pantry door painting in sprayed lacquer, as well as two bathroom vanities. This Okotoks home received a full refresh by changing the outdated dark red stain to a bright and lively Decorator’s White throughout the kitchen and upstairs bathrooms. We also added stylish new black accent handles to all the cabinetry doors. Having your dark red cabinets painted a stylish white will instantly brighten up and modernize your kitchen space!

Do you have an outdated dark stain on your kitchen cabinetry? Consider a stylish paint job and a hardware upgrade! It not only instantly modernizes your home, but renews your cabinetry doors and wooden fronts in such a way that makes them look brand new once the painting is done. This kitchen’s cabinetry was in great condition, and with a professional paint job the cabinets look and feel brand new, and the home feels instantly more modern and contemporary!

(Click on image to enlarge)

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